To Be Or Not To Be

To be, to have, to think, to move — which of these verbs is the one you feel most connected to? Or is there another verb that characterizes you better?

There are so many verbs out there, and I feel I have a connection with all of them. Or maybe, I just need to have a connection with all of them.

I am an active mind, constantly in a state of want because there is so much that can be done, written, or thought. In one post, I mentioned how I was never bored; I believe this is the reason for that.

While I would love for my spirit verb to be any of the aforementioned, I know that it is probably something a little more basic.

In fact I’ve mentioned it in this post and in many others.

I want. Period.

I want for me. I want for my friends, family, and even mere acquaintances. It’s a selfish and selfless action all rolled into one. This is the verb that best describes me because it encompasses all others. I want to be, to have, to think, and to move.

I am best characterized with want because I know that I don’t always succeed in my endeavors. But I damn sure am going to try, regardless.

~J. Spade

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